All animal lovers know how much it matters to have the perfect accessory for your pet. This is especially true for your dog’s collar, your puppy’s favorite and most necessary jewelry. Dogs are so loyal and lovable, they cheer us up when no one else can and make us laugh with their cute silliness. They always take care of us and, thus, deserve we provide them with the best possible!

Dogs need to be comfortable wearing their collar otherwise they’ll keep struggling to take it off. The collar also has to be good quality not to bother your puppy, resistant to keep it safe while you’re walking it, and yet cute to suit your little angle perfectly. Indeed, on top of the essential high quality and comfort, we all want our dog’s collar to look pretty, as it’s going to wear it all the time and it would be too bad to ruin the cute way they look by making them wear an ugly collar, right?

At Sun Enterprises, we are aware of that necessity and we completely understand the animals’ owners demands as we are animal lovers ourselves! That’s why we know how to satisfy those demands better than anyone. We provide you the best quality leather collars and leather leashes for your pet to make it love even more your shared moments walking.

Plus, you can custom all these accessories however you desire: embroidery, gem stones and even Swarovski crystals it you’re feeling luxurious. All that at very reasonable prices. At Sun Enterprises we believe that every puppy deserves to be comfortable and fashionable in its accessories, just as much as we believe that every owner deserves to be able to provide the best to his pet!